4 Weeks Later

Today is day 28. We have now spent an entire month at the hospital. It has been an amazing journey. Over the last few days, we have seen some amazing improvement. For the first time, the doctors listened to her lungs and thought they sounded normal. We have also seen a number of medications and pumps disappear. At one time, Faith had eleven different pumps, now she is down to three. God has just done tremendous work healing our daughter.

Today is also special because it was the first time in four weeks that Nell was able to hold her. Both of them were incredibly happy. It was actually very cool to watch. The volume of air going into Faith’s lungs increased significantly as soon as she was in Nell’s arms. We are both praying that she will be extubated tomorrow and that she can be held on a regular basis.


One response to “4 Weeks Later”

  1. That is so cool! She loves her Mommy:) She continues to be in our prayers daily!