Author: Nell Turgeon

  • Faith turns 2yrs old!

    Well, I am officially the mother of a 2yr old. Faith turned 2yrs old today! I’m still having a hard time believing it. We didn’t really do much today to celebrate. However, I sang happy birthday to her quite a few times. Also, I’m working on her response to “how old is Faith?” and it’s…

  • Just another Saturday…

    All day the sky (and weatherman) has been threatening rain, but so far, nothing. I’m thinking the clouds can’t hold it in much longer though. It keeps getting darker, and it smells like rain is on the way. Faith, Clara and I spent a couple hours at Grammie and Papa’s house this morning to let…

  • Beautiful Day

    Today was so beautiful, inside and out! After my darling hubby left for work at 645, I made Faith and I some breakfast while Clara was still sleeping. Clara woke up shortly after Faith and I finished breakfast. We all hung out in the living room for a bit, playing on the couch cushions on…

  • what a year…

    I know it’s been quite a while since I’ve written a post in here. Those of you who have been following our blog know it has been a rather eventful year. As I reflect back on what has transpired over the past 12 months, I still have a hard time taking it all in. I…

  • better late than never

    I know it has been a while since the last time Nell or I updated our blog. It has been crazy for the both of us. Faith keeps Nell busy all day. Her medicine and eating schedule is enough to wear anyone out. Every six hours she has to receive some type of medication. She…

  • 4 Weeks Later

    Today is day 28. We have now spent an entire month at the hospital. It has been an amazing journey. Over the last few days, we have seen some amazing improvement. For the first time, the doctors listened to her lungs and thought they sounded normal. We have also seen a number of medications and…

  • Still Holding On

    Today Faith continued to cooperate. The doctors were pleased with the progress that she was making. It is slow progress, but steps in the right direction nonetheless. The staff is still not planning on things going very quickly. Yesterday they painted her door. It is much more colorful. The social worker wants us to bring in…

  • day 19

    It has been six days since Faith’s last surgery. Her heart appears to be doing well, but her lungs are still very sick. She has developed the same bacteria’s in her trachea that were there before the last surgery. The doctors have been working aggressively to treat it, but that has required a substantial amount…

  • Round 2

    Today Faith is goin­g in for another surgery. Her mitral valve has some severe leakage, which the doctors believe to be the biggest cause Faith’s current condition. The surgeon is going to go back in, and either try further repairs or replace the valve all together. The replacement valve will be made of pyrolitic carbon,…

  • day 6

    We have been in the hospital for 1 week now, and nothing has really changed. The last two days have been the hardest. It looked like Monday was the start of turning the corner, but Tuesday was a couple steps back. Thankfully,Nell and I are not going this path alone. It is rough at times,…