Middle of week 12

So, I’ve been getting complaints about not keeping up with writing here =). Been a little busy as of late. Today I am 11weeks 2days. We had a doctor’s appointment on Monday, it was an OB teaching visit. Basically just went over Matt’s and my family medical history…pretty boring there, which is a good thing. We have another appointment on the 14th of this month. At that appointment we get to hear the heartbeat, which will be exciting. I can tell that I’m getting slightly bigger, but not enough that it’s noticeable. The doctor said that women who are my frame type and in their first pregnancy usually show later because the firmer abdomen holds everything in a little longer. I’ll probably start showing more noticeably withing the next 2 weeks or so. Time to go fold laundry and do the dishes. =) Oh yea, and Baby Turgeon is now the size of a large plum.