halfway there!

Sorry it’s been a few weeks since I’ve written here. So I’m in week 21 and feeling at least a little bit of movement every day. Pretty cool. Baby Turgeon is about 7 inches and almost 11 ounces now. We have a Dr.’s appointment on Friday, and I think we are making the appointment for the big ultra sound at Eastern Maine. So, that will be exciting. We’ve just started going through the baby name book that Matt got us for Christmas. Got a list started of names we like. Still debating whether or not we’ll tell people our ideas for names until we settle on one boy name and one girl name =). We are also now signed up for a prepared childbirth class that starts in March. Our guest room/baby room is a little crowded at the moment, so we’re working on figuring out where we’re going to put Baby Turgeon’s stuff when the time gets closer.