Month: September 2009

  • Still Holding On

    Today Faith continued to cooperate. The doctors were pleased with the progress that she was making. It is slow progress, but steps in the right direction nonetheless. The staff is still not planning on things going very quickly. Yesterday they painted her door. It is much more colorful. The social worker wants us to bring in…

  • day 19

    It has been six days since Faith’s last surgery. Her heart appears to be doing well, but her lungs are still very sick. She has developed the same bacteria’s in her trachea that were there before the last surgery. The doctors have been working aggressively to treat it, but that has required a substantial amount…

  • Round 2

    Today Faith is goin­g in for another surgery. Her mitral valve has some severe leakage, which the doctors believe to be the biggest cause Faith’s current condition. The surgeon is going to go back in, and either try further repairs or replace the valve all together. The replacement valve will be made of pyrolitic carbon,…

  • day 6

    We have been in the hospital for 1 week now, and nothing has really changed. The last two days have been the hardest. It looked like Monday was the start of turning the corner, but Tuesday was a couple steps back. Thankfully,Nell and I are not going this path alone. It is rough at times,…

  • day 3

    Well, it looks like we might have finally started to turn a corner. Up until this morning the doctors were just trying to keep Faith stabilized. Now they can switch modes and start trying to be more proactive. They started today by putting her on lasix. This drug is a diuretic that will help get…

  • post-op day 2

    The surgery went well considering all that was done. They did fix the coarctation as well as the AV canal defect. The operation lasted about 7 hours, and it was about 12 hours until we were able to see Faith again. It basically all went according to the plan that was laid out in the…

  • Surgery Day

    Today is the day that Faith finally gets her heart repaired. Nell and I are actually a lot more relaxed now then we were last night and this morning. It was kind of fun getting her ready in Pre-Op. They have little hospital gowns for babies. She went back in the OR for anesthesia around…